Monday, March 21, 2011

Statisticly Speaking, Are Black male teenagers GRADUATING?

Well, ten years ago the national rate for minority children making it through grade school to graduting High School was as follows. 50% for black s, 51% for Native Americans, and 53% for Hispanics respectively. This information was gathered and documented by the Civil Rights Project at Harvard (CRP). Also involved the Urban Institute, Advocate for Children in NY, and Results for America. Here we are ten years later, and has anyhting improved for us in DC? Well, as of 2009 the on time graduting rate was well below 50%, a shocking 48%: MD & VA rates didn't improve from 1990's rates, but werwe still much higher than DC. DC the nations capitol, why are we still struggling with this in 20011?

Technical Change, by Richard M. Morano, Donald A . Dellow

In the early nineteenth-century England, workers now known as luddites roamed the countryside destroying machinery that they saw as creating unemployment and upsetting their traditional life. They were of course, right: The growing mechanization of production. What we would now call tehnological change, and expanding volume of trade ushered in the industrial revolution and disrupted traditional patterns of life. The neo-Luddite movement of today has simular worries and is evidenced by the antiglobalization sentiments that produced riots in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries in Seatle, Paris and London.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Funeral

Today we laid to rest a young lady, who was shot to death last week. I didn't know the young person, but as I interacted with the, over 500, guest to her funeralI learned a valuble lesson.

Luckie, as she was effectionately called was only four months from graduating from CARDOZO Sr. HIGH SCHOOL, and was excited about becoming a Metroplitan Police Dept. Cadet. She wanted to do something, and serve her community. As I said earlier I did not know her, but over 500 people did. They confirmed who she was. Now, it was revealed that Luckie was not always working towards her goals. She was still luckie, but she was not working towards positive goals. She was not headed in a good positive direction. Something happened in her life, that turned her around, what? I don't know. But for at least the last ten months she was turning things around. GOOD FOR YOU LUCKIE. God Bless Your Soul.

The lesson here is no one is ever beyond turning things around in there life. Were also taught to never give up on our young people. They are valued, needed and appreciated.